Next Club Night

Thursday 20th Febuary

Annual General Meeting - this is your chance to have a say on how Stage One is run and to vote in your new committee or even better stand for election. As an enticement the bar will be open and there will be a raffle!

More information available from Doug at socialsecretary

Join our Facebook group

PRIVATE AREA FOR MEMBERS' ONLY - you will need your current username and password to access this area - please contact the Secretary on secretary

Members' Only Area

Anyone wishing to audition must inform the 'Audition Administrator' of their intention to do so before the start of the auditions. In order to ensure fairness, no one can be added to the audition process once auditions have started. As more than one night is usually set aside for auditions, a person who cannot attend the first night must ensure the 'Audition Administrator' knows their intention to attend the second night before the first night of auditions starts.

Stage One Theatre

We are an ambitious Amateur Dramatic Group based in Paphos, Cyprus. A small theatre in Emba is home to a group with high aims of professional standards of excellence.

Privacy Policy

For Bookings




99 967737

General Inquiries


Nikolaou Ellina, Emba




97 697962

© Stage One Theatre Group All Rights Reserved

Website by Groovejet Media