Performances: 5th to 8th March 2025
Linda Crawshaw is directing this comedy thriller.
A Tomb With A View is set in a sinister old library. Presided over by a portrait of a grim faced, mad eyed old man. A dusty, lawyer reads a will (involving some millions of pounds) to an equally sinister family one member of which has were-wolf tendencies, another wanders around in a toga of Julius Caesar and a third member is a gentle old lady who plants more than seeds in her flower beds. By the end of the play, there are more corpses than live members left in the cast. And what about the sympathetic nurse and the author of romantic novels: are they all more than they seem to be? All is revealed as the plot twists and turns to its surprising conclusion.
Hamilton Penworthy - Geoff Greavey
Lucien Tomb - Adrian Woolcott
Dora Tomb - Jan West
Emily Tomb - Jessica Evans
Monica Tomb - Sam Petty
Marcus Tomb - Pete Moore
Anne Franklin - Anne Colling
Agatha Hammond - Pat Parker
Freda Mountjoy - Jane Stephens
Peregrine Potter - Chris Neale
Tickets: €15 (€8 for children & students)
Telephone: 99967737
Mon to Fri (10.00am - 1.00pm)
Theatre Box Office, Emba
Mon & Fri (10.00am - 12.00midday)
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Our current advertising rates are: Quarter Page-colour €50, Half Page-colour €95, Full Page-colour €170
Cathy Asater will be directing The Railway Children in May 2025.
Performances: 7th to 10th May 2025
Sian Williams - Bobbie
Patrice Box - Phyllis
Carol Harvey - Mother
Doug Craig - Perks
Peter Sandwith - Old Gentleman/Government official
Derek Whittle - Father/Doctor
Adrian Woolcott - Mr Scezcpansky/Government official/Worker 2
Mandie Davies-Cook - Mrs Perks/Cook 1
Jessica Evans - Mrs Viney/Maid 1
Steve Hales - Butler/District Supervisor/Worker 1
Jackie Matthews - Cook 2
Carol Harvey will direct this play in October 2025.
Auditions April 2025 - dates to be advised.
Performances: December 8th to 13th 2025
Auditions May 2025 - date to be advised.
Join us and get involved
Anyone wishing to audition must inform the 'Audition Administrator' of their intention to do so before the start of the auditions. In order to ensure fairness, no one can be added to the audition process once auditions have started. As more than one night is usually set aside for auditions, a person who cannot attend the first night must ensure the 'Audition Administrator' knows their intention to attend the second night before the first night of auditions starts.
Please contact the Audition Administrator by email here
We are an ambitious Amateur Dramatic Group based in Paphos, Cyprus. A small theatre in Emba is home to a group with high aims of professional standards of excellence.
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99 967737
Nikolaou Ellina, Emba
97 697962
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Website by Groovejet Media